Journal 2014 - # 647

#MalaysiaAirlines, #MH370, #PrayForMH370

China Says It Has Seen New Possible Debris - Malaysian Minister

The Chinese government has spotted possible debris in a satellite image of the southern search corridor and is sending ships to investigate, Malaysia’s transport minister said Saturday.

An object measuring 22 meters by 30 meters [72 feet by 98 feet] was seen by a Chinese satellite, Hishamuddin Hussein told reporters at the daily news briefing in Kuala Lumpur on the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

China would be making an announcement later and was sending ships to the area to investigate, Hishamuddin said.

Chinese state television posted a picture on Twitter of a satellite image that it said showed the object. The image could not immediately be verified by NBC News.

The development was revealed in a dramatic fashion at the end of an otherwise routine media briefing, when Hishamuddin was passed a note by an official. “All I know is what is in this note,” he said, holding up the scrap of paper.

It is only the second possible sighting of debris in the two-week long hunt for the missing Boeing 777, and came as an international air and sea hunt was already underway for debris 1,400 miles off the west coast of Australia – the very end of the southern search corridor.
The development was revealed in a dramatic fashion at the end of an otherwise routine media briefing, when Hishamuddin was passed a note by an official. “All I know is what is in this note,” he said, holding up the scrap of paper.

It is only the second possible sighting of debris in the two-week long hunt for the missing Boeing 777, and came as an international air and sea hunt was already underway for debris 1,400 miles off the west coast of Australia – the very end of the southern search corridor.

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