Journal 2014 - # 613

#MalaysiaAirlines, #MH370, #PrayForMH370

Deliberate act in Flight 370

 Malaysia PM: Malaysia Airlines probe refocusing on passengers, crew

A week after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished, investigators refocused on passengers and crew on board after data indicated the plane deviated due to deliberate action, Prime Minister Najib Razak said Saturday.

"Malaysian authorities have refocused their investigation on crew and passengers aboard," Najib told reporters. "Evidence is consistent with someone acting deliberately from inside the plane." But Najib stopped short of calling it a hijacking, saying investigators have not made a final determination.

"Despite media reports that the plane was hijacked, we are investigating all major possibilities on what caused MH370 to deviate," he said.

In addition to the shift in focus, investigators have expanded search areas exponentially, and no are no longer combing the South China Sea, the Prime Minister said.

"The plane's last communication with the satellite was in one of two possible corridors: a northern corridor stretching approximately from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand, or a southern corridor stretching approximately from Indonesia to the southern Indian ocean. The investigation team is working to further refine the information."

The passenger jetliner disappeared March 8, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people aboard. It's unclear who took the plane or what the motive was.

"Based on new satellite information, we can say with a high degree of certainty that the aircraft communications addressing and reporting system was disabled just before the aircraft reached the East Coast of peninsular Malaysia," the Prime Minister said. "Shortly afterward, near the border between Malaysian and Vietnamese air traffic control, the aircraft's transponder was switched off."
Theories on what happened have evolved every day, complete with satellite images with purported wreckage released by a Chinese agency, and later debunked by Beijing.

Hours before the Prime Minister's announcement, U.S. officials told CNN the flight made drastic changes in altitude and direction after disappearing from civilian radar, raising questions about who was at the controls of the jetliner when it vanished.

The more the United States learns about the flight's pattern, "the more difficult to write off" the idea that some type of human intervention was involved, one of the officials familiar with the investigation said.

CNN has learned that a classified analysis of electronic and satellite data suggests the flight likely crashed either in the Bay of Bengal or elsewhere in the Indian Ocean. The Prime Minister said the areas have been searched.

"We have conducted search operations over land, in the South China Sea, the Straits of Malacca, the Andaman Sea and the Indian Ocean," he said. "At every stage, we acted on the basis of verified information, and we followed every credible lead. Sometimes these leads have led nowhere."

The analysis used radar data and satellite pings to calculate that the plane diverted to the west, across the Malayan peninsula, and then either flew in a northwest direction toward the Bay of Bengal or southwest into the Indian Ocean.

The theory builds on earlier revelations by U.S. officials that an automated reporting system on the airliner was pinging satellites for up to five hours after its last reported contact with air traffic controllers. Inmarsat, a satellite communications company, confirmed to CNN that automated signals were registered on its network.

Taken together, the data point toward speculation of a dark scenario in which someone took control of the plane for some unknown purpose, perhaps terrorism.

That theory is buoyed by word from a senior U.S. official familiar with the investigation that the Malaysia Airlines plane made several significant altitude changes and altered its course more than once after losing contact with flight towers.

The jetliner was flying "a strange path," the official said on condition of anonymity. The details of the radar readings were first reported by The New York Times on Friday.

Malaysian military radar showed the plane climbing to 45,000 feet soon after disappearing from civilian radar screens and then dropping to 23,000 feet before climbing again, the official said.
The question of what happened to the jetliner has turned into one of the biggest mysteries in aviation history, befuddling industry experts and government officials.

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