Journal 2014 - # 867

Salam Perpaduan Salam Perjuangan!

Kampen Boikot Coca-Cola Israel.. Kini Bermula!!


Assalamualaikum! Hi uols! Kalau semalam aku share cerita pasal sticker #Palestine pada kereta aku hari ini aku nak cerita pasal Kampen Boikot minum seluruh dunia tahu dan terkenal iaitu Coca-Cola! Sebenarnya aku dah pun menyertai kampen ini melalui hashtag #NotInMyFridge sebenarnya kampen ini akan bermula pada 20 Disember 2014, tetapi kini promosi oleh Friend Of Al Aqsa melalui front page FB mereka telah dilancarkan ketika ini. Oleh itu apa kata korang yang selama ini menyokong kempen boikot produk-produk Israel mahupun produk yang menyokong Israel, mengambil sedikit masa untuk menyertai kampen ini melalui Thunderclap website anda boleh register dan mengetahui maklumat details pada website dengan hashtag #NotInMyFridge.

Berikut beberapa sebab kenapa kempen boikot Coca-Cola dilaksanakan oleh Friend Of Al Aqsa (FOA):

Why Coca-Cola is #NotInMyFridge
FOA is calling for a global boycott of Coca-Cola in response to its support of Israel and it’s illegal and immoral occupation.  We must be clear, no matter how big a company is, its brand will be damaged if it supports the illegal occupation of Palestine.

Why coke is 
  • Coke has partnered with the America Israel Business Connector to promote Israeli companies globally - using the 'Bridge' project. This defies the boycott call. 
  • Coke violates international law and supports Israel's occupation by operating in Atarot and Shadmot illegal settlements. It owns a dairy and a distribution plant in these illegal settlements. 
  • Buying produce from companies which operate in settlements means we as consumers are complicit in Israel's illegal actions.
  • Coke owns Tabor Winery in the stolen and occupied Syrian Golan Heights. Tabor’s web-site shows utter disregard for the real ownership of the land, instead falsely claiming that it is Israeli.
How can you support the Campaign?
  1. Sign up to thunderclap and help increase the exposure of this campaign.
  2. Take a fridge selfie or record a video and post it up using #NotInMyFridge on 20 December from 1:00 PM (GMT) onwards. Nominate your friends and family to join the campaign by tagging them in!
  3. Join the Twitter storm at 1:00 PM on 20 December so that you can be a part of the #NotInMyFridge campaign and find out about our secret launch event.
Mulakan sokongan anda dengan hashtag #NotInMyFridge sekarang! Aku sudah Korang Bagaimana?? 
Lara Cleopatra said #NotInMyFridge and #DontDrink

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