Journal 2011 ~ #261

Waddup everybody!! Beautiful day today and merry xmas to my fren. Wow!! Sunshine make me happy but to heavy 4 me cuz i have another paper this tuesday huhu!! Now I'm struggling study hard but not smart huhu!! How come huh!? No wander ler slalu penin hahaha..
Exam fever!!
Wokeylah ari ni x de story mory yg best just lepak kt rumah sambil mengadap buku2 rujukan n make a simple answer n question 4 my paper on tuesday!! Yaiiii.. make me sick this exam actully, how come must i face everything i don't like actully. Theory subject it not 4 me actully i only love practical subject huh!! So hurt 4 me btw i hope that paper can make me happy 4 the end at least!!

Huh!! Wokey la, i need to continue my study back n hopely guys uols happy today with family n fren! Adiossazz!!

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