Journal 2012 ~ #288

Hi uols, sejak kebelakangan aku tercari-cari siapa penyanyi lagu tema utk Euro 2012, suara dia ala2 mcm yuna tp sebenarnya bukan yuna yg nanyi okey!! Ambik nko aku siap cr kat youtube lg uols, finally i got the answer Skylar Grey tajuk Coming Home, Part II, bila tgk lirik dia pn penuh makna sebenarnya. Tetiba admire dgn lagu tu ambik terus bahagian corus buat ringtone hp aku hihi (jgn marah uols) Ok la utk x menghampakan uols sume dgr n hayati lagu ni khas utk uols (^_^)

"Skylar Grey ~ Coming Home, Part II"

And the blood will dry
Underneath my nails
And the wind will rise up
To fill my sails

So you can doubt
And you can hate
But I know
No matter what it takes

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming home
Let the rain
Wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming

Still far away
From where I belong
But it's always darkest
Before the dawn

So you can doubt
And you can hate
But I know
No matter what it takes

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming home
Let the rain
Wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming

I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world that I'm coming home
Let the rain
Wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
Tell the world I'm coming home

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