Journal 2013 - # 422

Hi uols!! terasa jari jemariku ingin menari d atas keyboard ni.. byk perkara yg ingin aku kongsikan dlm hidup ini, terlalu berat utk memikulnya namun hakikatnya aku harus lalui agar aku lebih tabah dan hebat di mata Allah SWT.

Kini aku sendiri lagi.. 
Mungkin itu yg terbaik buat ku, saat hiba dan sedih itu aku lalui seorg diri tanpa bertemankan sesiapa, walaupun ibuku. Oh! tidak.. x nak share dgn ibu berita sedih sbb bila citer pasti dia kecewa, hakikatnya aku hanya memberitahu sudah suratan takdir sebegini dan aku harus reda dgn segalanya. Sudah tertulis nasib ku begini so hadapi dengan reda dan nyata!

Kesedihan itu aku sembunyikan drpd ibu, namun rasa lega bila selama ini aku menyimpan beban yg betul2 membuat aku terasa gila dan payah. Hampir setiap hari aku menanggung keperitan hidup ini, namun harus aku hadapinya. Kini aku rasa beban yg akuk tanggung hampir 4 tahun itu tlh berlalu, bagai batu besar yg terlerai drpd bukit yg tinggi. Finally... I'm free!! Aku harus memiliki kebahagian aku skg ini. Soal jodoh tolak tepi dahulu skg ni utamakan kerjaya n juga pelajaran aku yg perlu aku selesaikan.

Meniti hari2 yg berlalu begitu shj, terasa bagai berada di dunia yg lain dan nyata. Baru aku sedar bahawa kehidupan aku kini realiti bkn bayang2 yg sentiasa di kejar. Apa pun berlaku selepas ini.. aku yakin dan percaya DIA telah mengaturkan yg terbaik utk aku.. Thank you Allah!!

Journal 2013 - # 421

Hi uols!! sana sini kita dgr org dera anak, buang anak so apa kata kita layan dulu lagu ni yg mungkin boleh kita jd kan pengajaran utk kita lebih berfikir panjang..

Nidji - Child
I am one
I am child
I’m the saint who marches in love
I am the paint
Electric pain bolt of thunder in the rain

I’m the blood
I’m the key
You are evergreen who blessed in union
Let them born in to this world
Let them sing into the sky

I will be fading
As your child
As your child

Don't let go
Don't be frightened
Don't be scared and don't be late

I am one
I am child
I’m the saint who marches in love

Journal 2013 - # 420

Hi uols!! Masih ingat x lagi theme song Heroes?? well lagu ni aku mng layan simple but enjoy!! Ok ready to sing let sing along okies!!

Nidji - Heaven
Don't beg
Don't cry to your children
Don't even cry
To your papa

Don't try
To beg to your people
Don't even cry
To your mama

  'Cause Heaven is too far
Away tonight
Heaven is too far
Away.. tonight

Don't laugh
Don't scream to your children
Don't even cry to your sister..

Don't talk
Don't play with the children
'Cause you ain't gonna get my heart

Journal 2013 - # 419

Hi uols.. x tau la sama ada sesuai atau x this song utk sume, but it all about friendship hope we a friend 4ever..

Tak mudah untuk kita
Hadapi perbedaan yang berarti
Tak mudah untuk kita
Lewati rintangan silih berganti
Kau masih berdiri
Kita masih di sini
Tunjukkan pada dunia
Arti sahabat
Kau teman sehati
Kita teman sejati
Hadapilah dunia
Genggam tanganku

Tak mudah untuk kita
Sadari saling mendengarkan hati
Tak mudah untuk kita
Pahami berbagi rasa di hati

Kau masih berdiri
Kita masih di sini
Tunjukkan pada dunia
Arti sahabat
Kau teman sehati
Kita teman sejati
Hadapilah dunia
Genggam tanganku

Kau adalah
Tempat ku membagi kisahku
Kau sempurna
Jadi bagian hidupku
Apapun kekuranganmu

Journal 2013 - # 418

Hi uols.. it's time to post another song, hope uols enjoy ok!!

Nidji - Hapus Aku
Kutuliskan kesedihan
Semua tak bisa kau ungkapkan
Dan kita kan bicara dengan hatiku

Buang semua puisi
Antara kita berdua
Kau bunuh dia sesuatu
Yang kusebut itu cinta

Yakinkan aku Tuhan
Dia bukan milikku
Biarkan waktu waktu
Hapus aku…

Sadarkan aku Tuhan
Dia bukan milikku
Biarkan waktu waktu
Hapus aku…

Journal 2013 - # 417

Hi Uols!! agak lama x update weblog ni, sedikit sibuk dgn aktiviti harian spanjang bulan, well masih blom terlambat nk wish slmt hari raya aidilfitri pd uols.

Well life must goes on, walaupun ada duka atau suka yg kita lalui, but now i it slow updating this weblog cos i'll will update more video from youtube yg mewakili rasa n perasaan yg aku rasa tiap kali.. ok here u go 4 this posting here my fav song walaupun da lama but it sweet song actually..

Letto - Truth, Cry & Lie
A red rose cheeks
A drop of tear to weep
Reminds me of you
A long side a sigh
A long side of cry

A soft summer rain
A smile that hides a pain
Why should you be ashamed
'Cause in every life a little rain must fall
And you are my friend
Charmingly sentimental brain

There's a truth behind a cry
And there's a cry behind a lie
On every words that came out strong
Just let them go and let's get along
On every grudge and every fight
I miss you all day and night
Have you had your time off today
To drink a cup of tea and smile away

Sometimes I wonder will I ever see you
Without all your game plan
When all you have is nothing but a pure bliss
[ Lyrics from: ]
I will wait that day
When you can find your way
Out of this maze of love
And you can laugh to see cries and lies
'Cause you know better than me
Only the truth will set you free

There's a truth behind a cry
And there's a cry behind a lie
On every thought that came out wrong
Just learn from it and please stay strong
On every grudge and every fight
I miss you all day and night
It's not easy to understand
But you must hold on your stand

I know you know
You know I know

There's a truth behind a cry
And there's a cry behind a lie
On every thought that came out wrong
Just learn from it and please stay strong
On every grudge and every fight
I miss you all day and night
It's not easy to understand
But you must hold on your stand

There's a truth behind a cry
There's a cry behind a lie
There's a hope on every fright
There's a light on every night