Journal 2011 ~ #252

Now I'm back last update November 3, 2011.. its so long 4 me, cos skg ni tengah kutip bahan2 utk weblog ni n citer yg mungkin korg rs da BORING!! BUt the important thing are update this weblog wokey!! Look b4 that I was so disappointed all everything in my life ex-specially everybody your there think there r the best n good person in they life but the truth they not like that!!

Sometime aku rs mcm menyampah dgn sume yg aku lalui, rs mcm ?!@#%& erkk!! so supid thing I think so.. What ever I do almost someone watch n tell everybody what happen what I do everything something wrong!! Korg rs korg baik sgt ker smpi korg nk buat sume tu!! What ever my life it mine not yours!!

Ok forgot bout that.. x de faedah nk sembang sume tu lg, ari ni nk citer 2 minggu kebelakangan ni, b4 that aku balik Sabah, just 4 rest in my life but better rest 4ever n rest of my life n 4ever never back again to KL actully. BOring n Feel up so much!! Life always unfair 4 me!! tp oleh krn mid term exam kena balik jg. But kali ni aku balik with my beloved mum!! at least x de ler boring duk sorg2 kt umah ada my mum n we do anything together!! hehe.. now everyday always bring bekal 4 my breakfast n lunch!! Thnx mum I love U so much. Everything is happy n make me smile with her, thnx again mum u always the best!!

BTW I was remember what happen last couple week a go, life fight 4 everything. Everything make me do the best in my life, mayb i should so something new in my life!! Not too much but at least I was update my weblog, lepas ni klau ada lg org yg bc lepas tu mengata bkn2 kt belakang memang sengaja cr pasal n masalah!!

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